SEMrush vs Moz

March 28, 2022

SEMrush vs Moz: Who wins the race?

Are you tired of constantly switching between countless SEO tools to enhance your website's performance? Well, we have got your back! In this blog, we’ll share a comparison between SEMrush and Moz, two of the most popular digital marketing tools in the market.

Both SEMrush and Moz have a massive outreach with a considerable customer base. They’re excellent for analyzing keywords, tracking rankings, and identifying technical issues. However, it's essential to assess the benefits and shortcomings of each before making a judgement on which tool to use. Let's go through each of the tools' offerings and compare them head-to-head.

Features and Tools

SEMrush and Moz offer different features and tools that cater to different needs. SEMrush has an extensive database of over 20 billion keywords and 810 million domains, allowing users to find out how their websites rank on search engines. Moz equally has a vast index of data, including 500 million keywords, 116 million root domains, and 2.7 billion URL links. With a Moz subscription, you can assess on-page optimization, track rankings, research keywords, audit your website, and get insights into your competitors' performance.

One unique feature of SEMrush is that it has an extensive range of tools that help you with content marketing, social media, and even PR. Moz, on the other hand, prides itself on its user-friendly interface, which is less intimidating even for beginners.

Winner: Draw. Both SEMrush and Moz have exclusive features with unique selling points.


When checking the SERP rankings of a website or analyzing backlinks, accuracy is crucial. Undoubtedly, both tools are reliable, but they have their limitations. SEMrush provides a more in-depth view of backlinks, while Moz is better for verifying the accuracy of your search engine results page (SERP) tracking. Moz is particularly efficient in cases of slow loading or location-based issues, making it easier to track critical metrics like organic search rankings across specific geographic regions.

To verify the accuracy of the tools, a recent study by Mangools revealed that SEMrush had a 63% accuracy rate with close correlations (79%) on its data than Moz, which had a 57% accuracy rate and correlations (77%).

Winner: SEMrush. Although both tools are reliable, the study puts SEMrush above Moz in accuracy.

User Experience

SEMrush and Moz are well-designed and straightforward to navigate, making them popular among users. SEMrush's interface is more vibrant and comprehensive, which is good if you’re looking for a more detailed and comprehensive view of the data. While Moz's interface is more straightforward and beginner-friendly, it may not be as easy for users who are already used to SEMrush.

Winner: Draw. This category is mostly based on personal preferences.


One of the most significant selling points of SEMrush is its affordability, with prices starting at $119.95/month. SEMrush offers more competitive prices than Moz, with more features and capabilities, including tools for social media, ad tracking, and content optimization.

On the flip side, Moz offers an excellent range of SEO tools for small businesses, with pricing starting at $79/month. The SEO tool which they provide is good and provides enough features for beginners. Moz provides competitive pricing, although the Pro plan limits competitor analysis and keyword research for the lower-priced tier.

Winner: SEMrush. Overall, SEMrush offers better pricing options.

Customer Support

SEMrush and Moz have top-notch customer service and support, with users receiving speedy responses when they experience any issues. Moz offers a 24-hour live chat support system, with a friendly and helpful team ready to help you through any issue. SEMrush has email and phone support and an extensive knowledge base that provides answers to commonly asked questions.

Winner: Draw. Both SEMrush and Moz has top-tier customer support systems.


In conclusion, both tools have their strengths and weaknesses, but there is no definite answer to which is better. It all depends on your business's needs, size, and objectives. The best option would be to try out both tools individually and determine which features and functionalities best align with your business goals. However, based on the comparison above, SEMrush may be the more comprehensive tool for businesses with more extensive digital marketing requirements.


Mangools Study:

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